As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit we commit ourselves to our callings and to Christian friendship. We are engaged in ministry and action and the promotion of wholeness in the church, our society, and the world.
All confirmed women of St. John's are members of the Women Of The Church (WOTC) and are encouraged to volunteer and to participate in various activities throughout the year. You are invited to attend the WOTC Board Meetings, held on the 1st Sunday of each month at 9:00 am, and the Shalom Circle, held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm, for fellowship and Bible study.
For over thirty years, the WOTC has maintained a sponsorship for a missionary family to help spread the good news of Jesus. In addition, we hold special fund raising activities to help support Blanket Sunday for Church World Service. Locally, the WOTC helps coordinate support for the See and Do Club and the Filling Home.
The Flower Committee is responsible for maintaining weekly altar flowers and delivering the flowers to the appropriate persons after service.
The Altar Guild is responsible to change the altar paraments according to the appropriate season; clean and press the fair linen and acolyte gowns; maintain wine, wafer, and candle oil supply; prepare candles, wine, and bread for communion services.
This group plans, knots, and sews blankets and comforters to support Lutheran World Relief. Volunteers meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am.
As a way of expressing our concern and desire to ease the burden of a grieving family, the WOTC provides meals for family and friends following a funeral. The WOTC establish teams that work together to provide this support.
The WOTC collect materials to prepare the following kits NALC Disaster Response sends throughout the world:
Kits can be purchased at JoAnn Fabrics or other similar retail stores.
Pack all items in 2 gallon Ziploc bag or tote.
Label bag handle E for elementary or HS for high school
For more information about NALC, see their website: